Classes of "Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale" start at 03/5/2018 till 06/15/2018.
Matia Mainardis held a seminar as the conclusion of a collaboration within activity of High-school and University cooperation started at June 2017.
The Gruop, as a "Water resources Center" promotion Unit, is a partner in the CeVi project "Yakuta Tantana - Promuovendo il diritto all’acqua ed alla sovranità…
The Group is present at the Poiana Spa "Water Safety Plan" presentation in Cividale del Friuli (UD).
The Group by the coordination of Roberto Perin organized of an IRES course about the: “Tecniche innovative di monitoraggio e modellazione del processo di…
Nice meeting promoted by CAFC spa with Professor Francesco Fatone from Università Politecnica delle Marche and David Bolzonella from Università di Verona by…
Student Andrea Basello defended MS degree in summer session.