Prof. Ing. Daniele Goi PhD

PhD in Chemical Technology and new Materials
Associate Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

Tel. +39 0432 558827
Cell. +39 320/7987937
Fax  +39 432 558803


Born in Gemona del Friuli (Udine-Italy). Scientific High School degree. Master science degree in Civil engineering (Environmental Planning). Enrolled to the Order of the Engineers of the Province of Udine. PhD in “Chemical Technologies and new Materials”. Researcher in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. After the graduation in Civil Engineering at the University of Udine and the PhD in Chemical Technology and New Materials at Rome, obtained a fellowship at the Department of Chemical Science and Technology at the University of Udine and a Post-Doctoral fellowship. Visiting Professor at the “IRCCS-Mario Negri Insitute” Department of Environmental Health Science, Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Unit. Visiting Professor at the “Water Resources Center” College of Engineering CEGE, Ohio State University, Ohio, USA. Person in charge of many research contracts. Supervisor of many PhD students programs, officer and person in charge for many research fellowships (internal and external financing). Referee and editorial board component of national and international journals. Component of International Academic board of International Centre of Mechanical Science. Director of the Master Course in "Integrated Water Cycle expertises". At present in the position of Full Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the University of Udine. He collaborates also with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Udine in the sanitary and prevention field. Main teaching and research interests are environmental and sanitary engineering, in particular monitoring and treatment water, wastewater and sludge by experimental and modelling applications. Main target of the teaching and researching activities is the application of environmental and sanitary engineering for the sustainable developing of the territory.


Curriculum Vitae

Books and monographs (ITA)


Ing. Matia Mainardis PhD

Assistant Professor (RTD-A)

Ph.D. in “Environmental and Energy Engineering Science”

Tel. +39 0432 558842
Cell. +39 348 7563274
Fax  +39 432 558803

E-mail: matia.mainardis(at)






Assistant Professor (art. 24 c.3-a L. 240/10), previously research fellow in scientific sector ICAR/03 (Environmental Sanitary Engineering).

Main research topics: wastewater and sludge characterization and treatment; energy recovery through anaerobic processes from sludge and organic substrates; processes and plants optimization and modelling; advanced oxidation processes; Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing; treated wastewater reclamation for agricultural purposes.

Curriculum Vitae