MS Students: Alessandro Moretti, Davide Zanchetta, Simone Flaibani defend their MS degree
Iniziano le lezioni del Corso di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale, disciplina gestita dal Gruppo. L'orario e le aule sono disponibili all'indirizzo: ISA e il…
Prof. Isabella Velicogna from UCI held a seminar on "Remote sensing studies of land water and ice mass from space: results and implications" within "Environment…
The Group partecipates to proESOF iniziative by a proposal within "ComuniCAREH2O" project.
Alessandro Rosso, student in Thesis reseach by the College of Engineering of Ohio State University (OHIO-USA), held a presentation about topics of his thesis. …
The group partecipates to the event T-day 2018, to start 2018 tutor period in UNIUD. Within the 40° UNIUD foundation, some people of the first UNIUD tutorsof…